“Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory” is a story of the life of the central protagonist named, Bepin Choudhury. This is a humorous story, where Bepin suffered a lack of confidence and was confused about his mental state. Accidentally Bepin met a man, who told him about an incident. But Bepin could not remember the incident. And this matter troubled him so much that he started to feel that he was loosing his memory. He tried to remember everything. As he continued thinking, he got more confused about his memory and thought his memory had been lapsed. The whole story is centered around Bepin’s endeavour to reveal the truth about the incident. But finally it was found that, someone had made a joke by setting a plot to give Bepin a little trouble. Bepin did not help his friend-Chunilal, when he requested for help from Bepin. So Chunilal decided to give some trouble to Bepin and this was the preplanned joke with Bepin. In spite of all difficulties he faced, he finally became satisfied about the fact that he had no memory issue. He was totally fit and fine.
The story, “Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory” begins with Bepin in the Hiralal’s book-shop, looking for new books. Suddenly he found a stranger, who was looking at him. The man told him that Bepin was acquainted to him. They met in Ranchi, when Bepin went for a tour with his friend Dinesh Mukherjee. He told his name was Parimal Ghosh. Parimal told him that when Bepin Babu got injured on his right knee at Hudroo falls in Ranchi, he came to help Bepin then. From then Parimal knew Bepin Babu.
“Bepin Chowduhary’s Lapse Memory”, Summary
At first Bepin babu was sure that he never went to Ranchi before. But the man was trying to convince Bepin at every possible way. Thus Bepin was getting confused. When he told about personal details, Bepin got completely confused and tried to remember the trip of Ranchi in many ways. The man also told that Dinesh Mukherjee was with Bepin Babu in Ranchi tour. He was telling everything in a sure-about way that Bepin started to doubt on his present mental condition. Parimal also told Bepin to be confirmed it from Dinesh Mukherjee. After thinking long time , Bepin called Dinesh , and Dinesh also verified the matter.
“Bepin Chowduhary’s Lapse Memory”, Summary
Now Bepin became more confused about his mental state and raised questions on it in his own mind that was he really loosing his memory? The incident and the thought of memory lapse started to give more trouble to Bepin in his regular life. As suggested by his doctor, Bepin babu went to Ranchi in the hope of getting his old memory back. But it resulted nothing satisfying to him. Now he started worrying and called for the doctor to come later to check his physical condition.
Before the doctor came, Bepin came to know the fact behind it. One of his friends Chunilal was behind the stage to play the whole drama. Chunilal was practically doing a joke to him because when Chunilal was really in trouble of getting job, Bepin did not help him. Thus he decided to take a sweet revenge for it from his side.
In spite of Chunilal’s revenge , Bepin finally got relieved as he found that he was really fine. When the doctor came he lied to him and said that his Ranchi trip brought back his memory. And thus the story “Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory” ends.